“May I have your attention, please! You have ten minutes to drink, and get the hell out!”
When Maxine Miller, as a single woman, borrowed money from her parents in 1950 to open a bar, no one could have guessed the longevity of this Fayetteville staple.
As a shrewd business woman and beloved character, she was present every day from open to close. She played a mean game of dominoes, required proper behavior at all times in her establishment, and was most famous for her last call: “May I have your attention, please! You have ten minutes to drink, and get the hell out!”
As an homage to a woman who was a mother to many in our community, the bar was remodeled in 2013. Many of the original fixtures remain, as do many old photographs of Maxine through her life. We tip our hats to an era when cocktails were stout, well balanced, and crafted with fresh ingredients. We are honored to partner with Maxine’s family as caretakers of a place named after a woman who affected and was adored by many. The longer we’re here, the more stories we hear from the many different eras of Maxine’s Tap Room. We strive to continue the stories and memories made in this very spot with live music, drinks, and friends.
Cheers to you, Maxine, wherever you are.
We hope to do you proud!
Maxine’s through the decades: